
POwer in Tennessee


WPI wrapped up their eventful summer as the POwer Tour came to an end in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. The team was joined by WPI Board Past Chairs, Alison McGee, PO, and Alan Cranford, PO, to recognize four Professional Operators. The simple ceremony impressed WPI VP, Tom Healy, with the amount of pride that local leadership showed for their operators

The Murfreesboro Water Resources Board was in full attendance to honor the POs and recognize the dedication of their service. In conversation with WPI leaders, they shared how enjoyable their board is, and it is because their operators are so proficient that the board rarely has issues to discuss about water. It is a remarkable occurrence to have full leadership present at a pinning ceremony and it is a testament to the value and gratitude they have for the operators of Murfreesboro.

“Seeing leadership engage directly with the operators is an important thing. That’s what helps drive these professionals—recognition from leadership. It’s more impactful when it’s done at a local level like this.” Tom Healy

It was touching to see the excitement around Alan and Alison as they presented the certificates and performed the pinning of the operators. The duo exude support for the water community that has had an impact on so many successful operators. Alan has been a mentor for countless operators, including Alison, who drove over 2 hours for a reunion at the place her career flourished. It will be no surprise if WPI continues to visit Tennessee in the future for pinning ceremonies as the work culture there and the values of the PO program heavily overlap.

Paul Bishop, President and CEO of WPI, gave his comments on the 2023 POwer Tour. He explained how it was interesting to see how every stop had a different culture and different approach to the pinning. One thing that was present throughout the tour was how the honored POs were embraced by their colleagues and the sense of pride each had in their profession.

Paul reflects, “This tour is a testament to operators who are wanting to do more and to be recognized for the work they put in. It gives us a platform to show off a diverse community. Every pinning had a different atmosphere, but they all celebrated some of the most dedicated men and women in our field. With that, I’d like to say thank you to all our Professional Operators, our team looks forward to meeting more of you to honor in your communities!”


We are thrilled to see so much interest in our POwer Tour and look forward to continuing to support POs around the world. You can see where we’ve been so far, HERE. If you would like to host a POwer event, please send us an inquiry online or send an email to us at: info@professionaloperator.org.



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